
Content, where do you start?

Since leaving my full-time job, I've been listening, reading, and watching everything I can on how to grow your business and stay relevant. The one thing that keeps being said over and over again is creating content. In Gary Vaynerchuk's newest book  he says "if you're not creating content, then you don't exist", Austin Kleon wrote a book on showing your work, and people like Casey Neistat are creating content, every day. It's a daunting task, one that absolutely needs to be done, but where do you start and what kinds are best for you? Is it a blog post that nobody reads, a youtube channel with 3 subscribers, or an instagram feed that only has likes from your friends? I don't plan on uncovering anything new, but maybe just give myself a sort of road map into what may be the best plan for myself and Front Range Media.  I think the answer is, all of it. Starting out with zero followers isn't really the point, to me. The point is that you're throwing yourself out there, not worried that people won't watch, or that it's been done before. Maybe you can find your own voice in the noise that is social content and content creation. Maybe you can stand out enough that a few will notice and want to work with you. As I begin to explore the world of content creation I would hope that some will follow along and interact along the way. The top performing youtubers are creating 7-10 minute videos everyday. Every. Single. Day. I have a hard enough time trying to keep up with my photo-a-day project over on instagram. Wish me luck, here I go.